NMC Showcase - 14th September

Our NMC Showcase is all about celebrating the achievement of our wonderful NMC community, saying thank you to those who have supported us and sharing information and inspiration to enable everyone to unlock and realise their full potential.
Please join us to thank our volunteers and supporters and celebrate the achievements of our students and DofE participants.
Wander round our Makers Market where there will a selection of handmade goods, crafts, art and food.
There will also be a series of presentations and activities throughout the day including talks by Ben Edson - our new Chief Executive and Sunil Monteiro - Working with a Disability, the launch of our new Endeavour Award and demonstrations by our 3D printing team.
For the full agenda and to book your place visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nmc-showcase-tickets-988501523667